Factory Automation with Robot Operating System (ROS)

Photo by rob garrott on pinterest

πŸ’₯Factory automation by using ROS(Robot Operating System)πŸ€–

πŸ‘‡ This project is mainly divided into 3-4 chunks.

🀝 Pub-Sub mechanism of ROS.
🧭 Navigation package of ROS.
πŸŽ›οΈ Manipulation by Moveit ROS package.
πŸ™Œ Final factory Automation using all these chunks.

🀝 Pub-Sub Mechanism

Pub-Sub Mechanism
Pub-Sub Mechanism

🧭 Navigation package of ROS.

ROS Navigation stack
ROS Navigation stack

πŸŽ›οΈ Manipulation by Moveit ROS package.

Manipulation with MoveIt package
Manipulation with MoveIt package

πŸ™Œ Final factory Automation using all these chunks.

πŸ“½οΈrefer this video for watching whole simulation on youtube.

πŸ” One can find course details here.

πŸ“ Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System